Güncelleme Tarihi: 29 November 2024

Visitors: 52

Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization (APSCO) Call for Projects

The Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization (APSCO) has published a project call to support projects from member countries. Within this scope, a maximum of five projects prepared in accordance with APSCO's priority areas and meeting the application requirements will be supported. Applications must be prepared in the format determined by APSCO and submitted to the Turkish Space Agency Presidency with an official letter by December 16, 2024 at the latest.

APSCO will evaluate these projects in order to increase regional cooperation and support the use of space technologies for socio-economic development. The projects to be supported aim to provide innovative solutions in many areas such as environmental monitoring, space technology development, disaster management, education programs and artificial intelligence by focusing on high priority areas.

Details regarding the project application process, application format and evaluation criteria are included in the relevant documents of APSCO. In addition, it was stated that projects that provide budget contribution will be given priority in order for the projects to have a high chance of success. APSCO-supported projects aim to strengthen cooperation between member countries and make a difference on a global scale.