Güncelleme Tarihi: 16 November 2022

Visitors: 291

“Horizon European Projects from Referees' Perspective” Information Day (Hybrid Event)

It is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey and its executive is T.C. Information Day (Mixed Event) with the theme of “Horizon European Projects from the Perspective of Referees” within the scope of the “Turkey Phase-II in Horizon 2020” Technical Assistance Project, the main beneficiary of which is TÜBİTAK and supported by the Competitive Sectors Program, will be held on 21 November 2022 in Ankara. It will take place in the TÜBİTAK Presidency building.

The event focuses on examining the application processes to the Horizon European Framework Program through the referees' perspectives, through its distinguished speakers. With the presence of our experienced Referees, who evaluated many proposals in various fields such as Horizon European Clusters, EIC (European Innovation Council) Accelerator Program, European Research Council (ERC) grants and Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), this important event, which will be held in the TÜBİTAK Presidency building, can be either physical or online. You can join in.

The sessions that will take place at the event are structured in such a way as to help the participants understand the basic concepts and supporting documents of the Horizon Europe Program, based on the experience and extensive knowledge of the distinguished speakers appointed as Referees in the Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe Framework Programs, and with their reputation. The contents of the training notes and presentations to be used in the relevant Knowledge Day event have been enriched by addressing the following issues:

The main lines of the tender evaluation processes;
The main criteria sought in arbitration calls (call for expression);
recommendations for strong proposal preparation under Horizon Europe;
The main mistakes to be avoided in proposal writing;
Differences in the evaluation processes of Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe Projects.
Registration: You can register via the following 'Google form' document:


To access the event agenda, visit the Zendesk page.

For physical participation in the event, you must register (physically) and have received confirmation notification from the Project team via e-mail.

Our participants who want to follow the event online must have applied online while completing the pre-registration process for the event. Those who are eligible for online participation will be shared with the applicants via e-mail three days before the event (Zoom login information) required to enter the event.

For more information; You can contact the project team at k.gungor@idi.ie or s.dogrusoz@idi.ie.

Source: https://ufukavrupa.org.tr/tr/haberler/hakemlerin-perspektifinden-ufuk-avrupa-projeleri-bilgi-gunu-hibrit-activity-tubitak-0