Güncelleme Tarihi: 30 March 2023

Visitors: 279

R&D Project Call of the Presidency of Turkish Health Institutes




Deadline for Application: 17/05/2023 at 23.59.00

Call Purpose

It is aimed to support R&D projects of strategic importance in the field of health technologies, which aim to develop products with high added value and commercialization potential, which produce original scientific knowledge in the field of health and solve problems.

Call Application Areas

Applications for the following fields will be accepted within the scope of the call.

     · Brain Computer Interfaces
     · Biotechnology
     Tissue Engineering
     Traditional and Complementary Medicine (R&D Projects for microorganisms with resistance carrying feature)
     Public Health and Chronic Diseases
     · Medical Robotics
     · Neuroscience
     · Rehabilitation Technologies
     · Diagnostic Kit
     · Medical Device
     ·         Artificial organ

Call Special Conditions

What are the Conditions to Take Part in the Project?


- The highest level managers, representatives and assistants of public institutions and organizations (Rector, Vice-Rector, Chief Physician, Deputy Chief Physician, General Manager, Deputy General Manager, etc.) cannot act as project manager/executive if their duties continue during the application.

- If any of the project team assumes the above-mentioned duties after the start of the project, the project manager/executive of the project is dismissed from the project as of the date he/she takes office and the situation is notified to TÜSEB in writing. If this person is the project manager/executive, the new project manager/executor to be proposed is decided by TÜSEB.

- Persons (panelists, moderators, consultants, etc.) assigned to TUSEB Evaluation Boards (DK) or at any stage of the evaluation processes cannot take any part in the projects within the scope of the call program they are in charge of; however, they can take part in projects within the scope of other support programs and call programs for which they are not a member of the CC.

-The project manager/executive must reside within the borders of the Republic of Turkey (T.C.). A foreign national can take part in the project as a manager/executive or researcher, provided that he/she works in an institution/organization in Turkey. In order for the consultants to take part in the project, residence and T.C. Citizenship is not required. A foreign national can take part in the project as an "international researcher" and/or "foreign consultant". The project coordinator and the relevant Institution/Organization are responsible for the fulfillment of all legal obligations of foreign researchers abroad.

- In order for the consultant to take part in the project, the project must have a subject or subjects that require special expertise, and this matter must be stated with justification in the project proposal. The number of consultants to take part in a project is limited to the number of subjects that require special expertise in that project.

-The person involved in the project evaluation/monitoring process cannot take part in the project he/she is evaluating/monitoring or in the proposed project if the project he/she has evaluated is re-suggested.

- Persons with a contribution rate of less than 10% in the project cannot work as a researcher. However, if they meet the criteria to become a consultant, they can become a consultant.

- In order for an employee of a public or private institution/organization to take part as a researcher or consultant within the scope of a project carried out by another institution/organization, he/she must obtain a permit from the highest level official of the institution/organization to which he/she is affiliated at the application stage.

Institution Establishment Persons Who Can Apply

Higher education institutions (State and Foundation Universities), public institutions and organizations or research institutes/centers residing in Turkey can be project executive or project manager organizations.


The project manager/executive must have the following requirements:

To have at least a doctorate/medical specialization degree in case of personnel from the Higher Education Institution, research institutes/centers and training and research hospitals,


Personnel of other public institutions and organizations other than higher education institutions must have a bachelor's degree of at least 4 (four) years in the field related to the project subject.


In projects to be carried out in public institutions and organizations or higher education institutions, the project manager/executive must be the permanent staff of the institution and organization in question. Those whose staff is in higher education institutions; In case they work in research centers established by the Law on Supporting Research Infrastructures, dated 3/7/2014 and numbered 6550, in institutions located in technology development zones or within the scope of the Ministry of Health legislation, it is not required that the project coordinator be a permanent staff member in Public Institutions and Organizations.

In projects to be carried out in foundation higher education institutions, the project coordinator must be a full-time employee of the higher education institution.

Project Budget Upper Limit: 1.500.000.00 (One Million Five Hundred Thousand) TL

Project Duration:

The project duration is a maximum of 24 months.

Call Application Periods

2023-B 1st Term 17/03/2023 -17/05/2023

2023 B 2nd Period 01/07/2023-01/08/2023

Application Annexes

1. References/Resources

2. Resumes, Other Projects and Current Publications of Project Personnel/Team

3 Certificate of Approval for Paying PTI to Foreign Nationals Residing in Turkey

4. Intellectual Rights Registration (Patent, Utility Model, Industrial Design, etc.)

5. Other Topics You Want to Indicate

6. Scholarship Student Certificate, if any (Transcript is also required for Undergraduate Scholarship)

7. Letter of Support, if any

8. Budget Form




⮚ The project proposal should reveal the deficiencies and/or problem(s) in existing science or technology and present original, creative and innovative suggestions for eliminating these deficiencies or solving the problems. In addition, it should make conceptual, theoretical or methodologically original contributions to the relevant science or technology field(s).

⮚ The method(s) and research techniques to be applied in the project must be clearly and accurately explained with reference to the relevant literature. It is expected that the method(s) to be applied will be suitable for achieving the foreseen goals and objectives, and the proposed method will be superior to alternative methods.

⮚ The main schedule of the project, work-time planning, work packages, the importance of each work package, the technical requirements of the outputs targeted in the project and the success criteria are applicable, measurable and traceable, as well as the foreseen and defined risks that may adversely affect the project and the proposed method in the project. In the event that progress cannot be made, the alternative method(s) (Plan B) to be applied must be suitable for achieving the aims and objectives envisaged in the project.

⮚ Considering the activities and discipline(s) covered by the project, the work and task distribution of the project team, which is sufficient and appropriate in terms of quality and quantity, should be planned correctly by taking into account the competencies of the individuals and the work packages. The foreign researcher (if any) in the project team should be qualified to contribute to the project studies and it is expected that the duration and frequency of the foreign researcher's domestic work program should be realistic.

⮚ In addition to obtaining outputs and results such as scientific/academic, economic/commercial/social, researcher training, creation of new projects from the project in its current form, these outputs and results can be solved by solving social problems, commercializing them, reducing the country's dependence on foreign countries and/or increasing the competitiveness of the project. potential is expected.

⮚ The activities envisaged for the delivery and dissemination of the outputs and results to be achieved during the project process to the relevant stakeholders and potential users should be at an appropriate and sufficient level.

⮚ In order for the application to be considered valid, the following documents must be submitted with wet signatures at the time specified below.

E-document output to be obtained from the project application system as a result of the electronic application (documents signed by the rector for universities, by the senior manager of the unit for public R&D units or by the assistants authorized by these authorities),

· Legal Permit Documents, if necessary,

· If necessary, Ethics Committee Permission Certificate (Ethics Committee Approval Certificate or Ethics Committee Application Form can be submitted after the project support decision.)

· Student Certificate of the Scholar(s)

⮚ It is not obligatory to submit a proforma invoice during the application. If the project proposal is accepted, a proforma will be requested.

⮚ In case of submitting an unnecessary document other than the above-mentioned documents, it will not be considered in the evaluation.

⮚ It is not obligatory to submit a proforma invoice during the application. If the project proposal is accepted, a proforma will be requested.


⮚ The deadline for acceptance into the document system for printed and wet-signed documents is 15 days following the last day of each application period, and if the documents do not reach the TUSEB document system, the project proposal will not be evaluated.

⮚ Any application that is not approved through the application system (remaining at the draft stage) within the application deadlines will not be evaluated. In the evaluation of all applications, any documents that are not in the online system will not be evaluated.

⮚ The service purchase item cannot be more than 30% of the total budget.

⮚ The proposed project budget should not exceed 1,500,000.00 TL, which is the upper limit of the program's support.

⮚ The upper limit of PTİ for the proposed projects is 6,000,00 TL.

⮚ The total monthly PTIs of all researchers involved in the project cannot exceed 6,000 TL.

⮚ R&D project proposals will be evaluated according to the following criteria.

(1) Original Value

(2) Method

(3) Project Management

(4) Widespread Impact

⮚ Your applications should be formally (document, scope of call, scientific

flood area, etc.) and project proposals that do not comply with these conditions will be returned.

Information documents you can review:

· Legislation on Group B Project Call

· 2023 Upper Limits Table

Postal address for wet-signed documents:

Buyer: TÜSEB Project Management and Support Department

Address: TÜSEB Koşuyolu Campus Koşuyolu Mahallesi, Koşuyolu Caddesi, No: 71 Kadıköy/Istanbul

Phone: 02165472600

Contact Point

TÜSEB Project Management and Support Department



For your technical questions during the application



Applications will be made by filling out the electronic form at https://tbys.tuseb.gov.tr/.